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Made of hemp seeds, high in omega vitamins; Volume: 100 ml (100 mg CBD); Pure CBD; THC <0,2%; Box: 10 units | Layer: 410 units | Pallet: CBD Oil 20% 23 Aug 2019 People infuse CBD into tinctures, oils, edibles, and other products without the This causes a euphoria or the high associated with marijuana. We produce our own signature, non-psychoactive, CBD rich hemp plant oils MCT fractionated coconut oil, organic cacao butter, organically grown USA hemp, Tests done discovered that the 10ml EUPHORIA CBD Full Spectrum Oil extra strong 20% bottles contained illegal THC levels. Distributors have since been 1 Oct 2019 Scientists have shown for the first time the molecular mechanisms at work that cause CBD to block the psychiatric side-effects caused by THC. Dark chocolate with cannabis seeds & CBD (18 mg), 70% cocoa. 16 Jul 2019 EUPHORIA CBD Full Spectrum Oil extra strong 20%, pack size 10.0ml; best before 31/08/2020. Batch Code: Best before date - 31/08/2020. 6 Oct 2019 CBD oil, or cannabidiol, is a popular natural remedy. But what does it do?
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